
Tagul is a web service that enables you to create gorgeous word clouds that you can place on your webpage or share with friends. Tagul clouds look gorgeous because of fancy features like words inside words, beautiful fonts, various cloud shapes, customizable colors, etc.

  • You can use Tagul word clouds as a tool for analyzing any piece of writing or text. For example,Tagul provides a way of seeing and making clear the main theme or central idea. 
  • Students can be coached to note words that might repeat way too often as indicated by being overly prominent in the Tagul. For example, if the word “like” appeared in very large font, this would be a cue for students to revise so that they didn’t use the word so often in their paper. 
  • Use Tagul in a grammar mini-lesson. The filter tool in Tagul could be leveraged to isolate different parts of speach, etc.
Below is my Tagul created for this site